Computer Technology
Instructor: Robert Finn
The first year of this program begins with the preparation of students for a career as a technician in a range of digital electronic fields. Students may specialize in computer programming, robotics, basic analog and digital electronics, microprocessor and sensor technology, basic fiber optics communications, computer construction, computer software and hardware troubleshooting and repair on a modular level, local area network technology, and Internet client and server technology.
Working in our modern laboratory with state-of-the art equipment, students gain theoretical and hands-on experience with advanced computer, test equipment, electronic components, and diagnostic tools and procedures. During the course students build robotic machines, write programs, construct electronic circuits, assemble and test a working computer, design and construct a working network, maintain an Internet server, and build a functional fiber optics communications system.
Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician
Cisco Certified Network Associate
Comp TIA A+ Essentials
Comp TIA A+ Security
10-hour OSHA card
Cocurricular Opportunities:
Related career possibilities include computer consultant/repair, computer programmer, electronics technician, web developer, software engineer, and computer support specialist.
Recommended Academic Courses and Skills :
Algebra 1
Grade-Level Reading and Writing Skills